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Vehicle Systems, Dynamics and Design Laboratory (VSDDL)*
Auburn, Alabama
VT-04 Hexa-Hauler

Winner of US University Innovation Award, with support from NASA

Device Description: 

The VT-04 Hexa-Hauler is a ducted fan hexa-copter that can tilt its central row of fans forward and aft (thus, vectored thrust, or VT) to allow precise acceleration/deceleration without requiring changes in pitch attitude. Ducted fans were chosen as they allow for a more compact vehicle and provide protection when navigating through obstructions. Power is supplied through an all electric powertrain using two battery banks placed in the front and rear of the vehicle. The battery installation allows for them to be charged in place as their mass precludes easy removal and handling by ground crew. The payload is stored in a compartment underneath the vehicle, accessible through doors on the left and right side as well as an aft hatch. Additional larger items may be fixed to the bottom of the aircraft, and slung loads can also be carried. The vehicle is designed to be piloted either remotely from the ground by an onboard operator. It is designed to be deployed and operated with minimal ground support infrastructure. It can be transported using only a standard pickup truck and trailer, allowing it to be rapidly repositioned to support disaster relief operations. Once on-site, it can be unloaded and made flight-ready by a crew of three within a matter of minutes.

Team Lead: Imon Chakraborty, Ph.D. - VSDDL Director

Team Members: 

Benjamin Davis - Captain

Cole McCormick - Vice-captain

Bikash Kunwar - Member

Rajan Bhandari - Member

Stefanus H. Putra - Member

Imon Chakraborty, Ph.D. - VSDDL Director

Former member:

Anthony M. Comer (Graduated)

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